Queer Duck is an animated series produced by Icebox.com that originally appeared on Icebox.com and later moved to the American cable television channel Showtime in 2002, where it aired as a follow-up feature of the American version of Queer as Folk. Although far from being the first gay cartoon character, Queer Duck was the first animated TV series to have homosexuality as its predominant theme. Like several later television cartoons, Queer Duck was animated in Macromedia Flash.
1: I'm Coming Out
Oct 11, 2000
October 11th is "Coming Out Day" and Queer Duck is coming out to his friends and family, but they already know.
2: Fiddler on the Roofie
Oct 18, 2000
Queer Duck babysits his nephew, who finds an interesting collection of video tapes.
3: Oh Christ
Oct 25, 2000
The plans of Dr. and Mrs. Duckstein, Duck's parents, to deprogram our hero are met with fabulously entertaining results.
4: Queer Doc
Nov 1, 2000
Queer Duck pranks Dr. Laura who tries to get even by stalking him down with a double barrel shotgun. Dr. Laura ends up trying to peek through a "glory hole" and ends up "cockeyed." Queer Duck pulls off a "Daffy" when she finally catches up to him at the local bar.
5: B.S. I Love You
Nov 8, 2000
Queer Duck stands in line to see his idol Barbra Streisand. He gets tackled by her security and thrown in prison thanks to her gaydar system. Prison ends up being more of a "lucky break" however more than Queer Duck could have possibly imagined.
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