Moral Orel

Season 0 of Moral Orel was originally scheduled for release around March 2025, but due to unexpected delays, the exact release date has yet to be confirmed.

The good news is that Moral Orel is still in active production, and an exciting announcement is expected in the near future.

Stay up-to-date with all the production updates and be the first to know when the release date is announced. Download Rivr on your iPhone or iPad, and add Moral Orel to your favorites.

Season -1


1: Making Moral Orel
A Behind the scenes look at the show Moral Orel. (This is a vol. 1 dvd special feature)
2: S03E01 With Video Commentary
3: S03E12 With Video Commentary
4: S03E13 With Video Commentary
5: Beforel Orel
Nov 19, 2012
A Moral Orel special that sheds light on the origin of Orel's religious nature and the birth of his brother, Shapey.
7: Abstinence
Jan 18, 2009
Doughy finds his true calling and becomes a professional "Cock-Blocker".
8: Unaired and Uncensored Bloopers/Outtakes
9: Rev. Putty Sermons: Cuteness
The good reverend hates babies. Who would have thought?
10: Rev. Putty Sermons: Gay Guys
A sermon about having a good Christian work ethic evolves into a homophobic tirade.
11: Rev. Putty Sermons: Laziness
Reverend Putty tries to give a sermon teaching us how idle hands are the devil's play things, but gets sidetracked.
12: Rev. Putty Sermons: Necrophilia
Putty has some unconventional ideas of death.
13: Rev. Putty Sermons: Old Age
Reverend Putty's afraid of getting old.
14: The Awkward Comic-Con Panel
Panel filmed at Comic-Con San Diego
Season 1
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