After the nuclear apocalypse, the world’s chosen elite survive in secure Outposts created by the mysterious Cooperative. On the American West Coast, Ms. Wilhemina Venable and Ms. Miriam Mead run Outpost Three with an iron fist. The unexpected arrival of Michael Langdon, a Cooperative representative determined to save society with a secret paradise, throws their order into chaos. However, underneath the surface of humanity’s salvation lies a battlefield for the final conflict between good and evil.
The end of the world happens when the bombs drop, and the survivors wonder if surviving is worth it after the Cooperative gives them shelter.
2: The Morning After
Sep 19, 2018
A new occupant arrives at the Outpost with alarming news, causing a domino effect of lust, betrayal and self-destruction.
3: Forbidden Fruit
Sep 26, 2018
As Ms. Mead grapples with her identity, Michael reveals more of his; Coco's ex rears his ugly head; Venable crafts a plan to give the residents of Outpost 3 one magical night.
4: Could It Be... Satan?
Oct 3, 2018
Michael's history as a teenager, and how he came to find himself at the Hawthorne Boy's school, is revealed.
5: Boy Wonder
Oct 10, 2018
After witnessing the Apocalypse, Coredelia must act quickly to stop Michael or face the end of days.
6: Return to Murder House
Oct 17, 2018
Madison and Behold travel to the Murder House to uncover the origins of Michael Langdon.
7: Traitor
Oct 24, 2018
Cordelia takes steps to punish the traitors among the coven and stop Michael from rising to power as the Antichrist.
8: Sojourn
Oct 31, 2018
Michael questions his father's unholy plan for world annihilation, and is directed on the proper path to recover Miriam.
9: Fire and Reign
Nov 7, 2018
Michael strikes at the school, but Cordelia, Myrtle, and Mallory escape him. Mutt and Jeff step in to guide Michael to his destiny, and recruit Wilhelmina to administer the Outposts.
10: Apocalypse Then
Nov 14, 2018
The surviving witches travel to Outpost 3 to stand in final battle against the Antichrist.
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